Is Invisalign Teen Right for My Child?

4 Easy Ways to Know if Invisalign Teen is Right for Your Child

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Invisalign is a popular method of straightening teeth because of its flexibility, relative invisibility, and capability to correct a variety of issues people have with their smile. With a clear design and the ability to remove aligners during meal time, the practicality attracts people of all ages who are looking for an easy solution. 

The same is true for Invisalign Teen, which improves your child’s smile without interfering with their hectic life. If you’re a parent and still have questions about clear aligners, we’ve created this helpful guide to help you decide whether Invisalign Teen is the right orthodontic treatment for your child.

Invisalign Teen for Children with Active Lifestyles

Put Away the Mouth Guards—Invisalign Teen Won’t Get in the Way

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A main concern among teens who want to straighten their teeth is the threat of dental injury in sports and other contact activities (like the marching band). The fear of wearing metal braces during such activities necessitates special mouthguards and gobs of orthodontic wax, but those fears are alleviated with Invisalign Teen. The wire- and bracket-free aligners pose less potential for damage, and with a few precautions, your child will be able to enjoy their favorite activities on the journey to their dream smile. Invisalign aligners are a great choice for athletes and anyone engaged in high contact activities because they can be removed for short periods of time (but it’s still important to meet the 22 hours of daily recommended wear time). 

Teeth Straightening for Self-Conscious Adolescence

Invisalign Teen Is Practically Invisible

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Teens at this age are very aware of their peers’ opinions, especially with the pressures of their increasingly online lifestyle. It’s difficult growing up during this time—from a young age, many children are bombarded with media of photoshopped people that may cause insecurities. If your child is already struggling with their self image, ditching the traditional braces and making the investment in Invisalign Teen can help them feel confident in themselves without the highly noticeable brackets and wires.

Invisalign Teen for On-the-Go Families

Less Time Taken by Visits and Appointments

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Between school, extracurriculars, and part time jobs, carving out extra time to visit the orthodontist can be difficult for older teens. With traditional braces, regular check up appointments are needed for tightening the metal brackets. By contrast, Invisalign Teen typically requires fewer in person visits. Most appointments you would need to make thereafter would be progress check-ins to make sure your teeth are tracking according to your treatment plan. However, IPR, or “thinning”, is typically needed at a certain tray number in the sequence, requiring patients to come in for this procedure. Not only does this free up your teen’s schedule, but you won’t have to provide transportation to as many appointments for them, either. No matter how you look at it, Invisalign Teen can save you time, money and energy.

Easy Orthodontic Fixes for Picky Eaters

No Dietary Changes or Restrictions Required

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The perk that stands out the most about Invisalign Teen is the lack of lifestyle changes and dietary restrictions. In comparison to traditional braces, these aligners can be removed during meal time, allowing even the pickiest of eaters to still enjoy their favorite foods. By erasing the painful and restrictive eating habits that are typically associated with braces, your teen can continue to grow stronger by allowing themselves to be nourished like they always have.

With all of the perks of Invisalign Teen, what are you waiting for? These convenient and aesthetically pleasing aligners conform to your everyday routine rather than become a time consuming chore. If your child is ready to start their journey to a better, brighter smile, contact Legacy Orthodontics today for a complimentary consultation and begin the simple and easy process of teeth straightening.

Matt McGlynn