Curious About Alternatives to Braces? Here’s Everything You Need to Know About Clear Aligners
Keep reading to find out if alternatives to braces are the right choice for straightening your teeth
If you are considering straightening your teeth, but don’t want to deal with the hassle of metal braces, you might be considering clear aligners. There are lots of alternatives to braces on the market right now and many misconceptions about how aligners work. Many people do not want the constant adjustments and appearance of metal braces, so they choose clear aligners to straighten their teeth.
Clear aligners are usually a good option to correct mild to moderate dental problems like crooked teeth, overbites or underbites. But, it is always best to consult an orthodontist to find out if clear aligners are the right choice for your smile. Before you begin your clear aligner journey, let's find out exactly what straightening your teeth with clear aligners entails.
Alternatives to Braces Usually Take Less Time Than Metal Braces
Alternatives to braces will straighten your teeth just as well as metal braces, and sometimes they even work faster than metal braces
Your dentist will determine how long your will be wearing your aligners.
One of the most common misconceptions about clear aligners is that they do not straighten teeth as well as metal braces. However, alternatives to braces straighten teeth just as well as braces. In most cases, clear aligners actually take less time to straighten teeth than metal braces. This is, of course, only if you follow the recommended wear time set by your orthodontist. Though there are some problems that clear aligners can’t fix, like major bite issues, they work very well for most corrective dentistry.
You Will Have to Wear Your Retainers Almost All The Time
Wearing clear aligners is a big commitment and you have to stick closely to the program to achieve your intended results
Your orthodontist will advise you on how long you should be wearing your aligners to get results.
As we mentioned before, clear aligners like Invisalign can actually take less time than braces, but that is only if you commit to wearing your aligners for 22+ hours per day. When you are using clear aligners, you can only have your aligners out for meals and not for more than 2 hours per day. It can be a hassle to remove, clean, and replace your retainer for each meal, but it is the only way that your aligners will straighten your teeth in the timeframe specified by your orthodontist. It is important to pay extra special attention to wearing your aligners as much as possible in the 48 hours after an aligner change. Your teeth move the most in the first 48 hours after changing your aligners, so you need to make sure that they are not shifting while you have your aligner out.
Fewer Visits to The Orthodontist and No Need for Adjustments
You’ll have more free time without adjustment visits every 2 weeks
One of the greatest benefits of clear aligners is fewer visits to your orthodontist.
No one wants to spend more time at the doctor than they need to. Instead of scheduling appointments, going to the orthodontist every 2 weeks, and having your metal braces adjusted, using clear aligners only requires you to go to the orthodontist every 6 to 10 weeks. Instead of getting your metal braces adjusted, all you have to do is change your aligner. No office visit necessary!
There are No Food and Drink Restrictions When you Use Clear Aligners
You can eat anything you want when using clear aligners, just make sure time it right
Enjoy all of your favorite foods, like popcorn! Just remember to replace your aligners afterward.
Before clear aligners, those straightening their smile had to stick to a diet to avoid compromising their teeth. That meant no popcorn, no soda, and absolutely no gum. While you still have to be careful about replacing your retainer after eating or drinking, there are no dietary restrictions while wearing clear aligners. However, you may have to start timing your meals and getting used to cleaning your teeth and aligners on the go.
You Will Want to Keep a Toothbrush Around While On The Go
It is important to keep your teeth and aligners extra clean while straightening your teeth
Invest in a carrying case so you are never caught without a toothbrush.
Wearing your aligners all the time is easier than it sounds, especially when it comes to keeping your teeth and aligners clean at all times. When you wear your aligners, they can block your teeth from being naturally cleaned by your saliva. Because your teeth are not being naturally rinsed, it can lead to plaque buildup and bad breath. When you are wearing your aligners, you should always keep a toothbrush and some toothpaste on you. By travelling with a toothbrush, you are committing yourself to a straighter and brighter smile.
There May Be Some Initial Discomfort When You Begin Wearing Your New Aligners
Don’t worry if you have a bit of discomfort, it should subside in about 48 hours
Don’t let a bit of discomfort prevent you from straightening your teeth with clear aligners.
Clear aligners move your teeth into their correct position by slowly pushing your teeth into place over time. Each time you change your aligner, you are shifting your teeth just a little bit more. Just like after adjusting the metal wires on braces, there may be some discomfort as your teeth shift inside your mouth. For most people, the discomfort is mild and does not persist beyond 2 days. Dr. Lombard, our orthodontist and Invisalign specialist here at Legacy Orthodontics, recommends performing chewing exercises routinely during treatment. These chewing exercises, which you can do with an Invisalign chewie or Movemints® clear aligner mints, not only help to ease the discomfort of tight trays, but will ensure they fit properly on your teeth to maximize their effectiveness. However, if you are experiencing extreme discomfort while wearing clear aligners, you should talk to your orthodontist.
Now that we have explored some of the most pressing issues regarding clear aligners, it is up to you and your orthodontic professional to decide if they are the right choice for you. Using alternatives to braces is a big step, but many have life changing results without the difficulty of metal braces. As long as you stick to the program and follow our recommendations, you will have a straighter smile in no time at all! If you are considering clear aligners, you can always contact the experts at Legacy Orthodontics for more information about making the best choice for your child’s smile.