How Long Do You Wear a Retainer After Braces?
We find out from the experts how long you wear a retainer after straightening your teeth with braces
If you’ve just gotten your braces removed, it is more than likely that your orthodontist recommended you wear a retainer to keep your smile in place. Though retainers come in a few different shapes and sizes, they all perform the same function — holding your teeth in place after your corrective treatment.
All too often adults neglect to wear their retainers after getting their braces removed, which essentially defeats the purpose of your braces. If you’ve recently had your braces removed and aren’t sure how long you need to wear your retainer or are learning more about braces treatment, then keep reading. We’re reviewing everything you need to know about retainer use and how long you wear a retainer after braces.
How Many Hours Per Day Should I Wear My Retainer?
Before we find out how long you wear a retainer after braces, let’s find out how many hours per day you should wear your retainer
After your braces are removed, you need to wear your retainer as much as possible.
Right after you get your braces off, there is a good chance you’ll be wearing your removable retainers all the time. Depending on your treatment and your orthodontist, they will usually recommend wearing your retainer all the time except for when you’re eating and drinking. Though this may sound like a big commitment, it is the most important part of keeping your smile in place.
Once the 4 to 6 months (or however long your orthodontist recommends) are up, you will shift to wearing your retainer only at night. Every patient should wear their retainers overnight forever to prevent teeth from shifting over time. Overall, when you are wearing removable retainers, you should consult your orthodontist before making any changes to your wear time.
It is important to mention that some orthodontists will install a bonded retainer — otherwise known as a permanent retainer — to keep your teeth in place. A bonded retainer is a thin piece of wire affixed to the back of your teeth. If you have a bonded retainer, you’ll be wearing it all day and night until it is removed.
How Long Do You Wear a Retainer After Braces are Removed?
Your teeth are susceptible to shifting your whole life, so consistent retainer use is key
Wearing your retainer is the only way to keep your teeth straight.
Now that we know a little more about how much you should wear your retainers each day it's time to answer the question: how long do you wear a retainer after braces? The answer is forever. As we hinted at before, your teeth can shift at any time in your life, so you should wear your retainers overnight until it's time to replace your retainer. Then, repeat the process. Though it may seem like a hassle to remember to wear your retainer every night, it is a bigger hassle to go through another round of braces.
What Will Happen if I Don’t Wear My Retainer?
Without a retainer keeping your teeth in place, your teeth will shift back to their former position
If you lose your retainer, make sure you replace it ASAP.
Wearing your retainer after braces is all about consistency. If you stop wearing your retainer altogether your teeth will shift back to their original position.
However, there are situations where you might find yourself needing a new retainer. For example, retainers can get lost, but they also degrade after 6 to 12 months of use and need to be replaced. If you need a new retainer, make sure you call your orthodontist as soon as possible to get a replacement. Once your teeth begin to shift, your retainer will no longer fit and you’ll have more orthodontic work in your future to get back to your ideal smile.
How Should I Take Care of My Retainer?
Proper retainer care is an important way to keep your teeth healthy and in the right place
Always store your retainer properly.
There are a few ways you can make sure that you always have a retainer with you. The first thing you should do is clean your retainer every time you use it. By cleaning your retainer every day, it is less likely that it will build up plaque and is less likely to break. This way, you can prolong the amount of time you have before needing a replacement.
Another way to avoid getting constant replacements is by keeping your retainer in its case any time you are not using it. By doing this, you are making sure that your retainer is kept in a clean and safe place away from pets.
The Bottom Line
Wearing your retainer is the most important thing you can do to keep your smile in place
Always reach out to your orthodontist if you have any questions about your retainer.
The most important thing you should take away from this article is that wearing your retainer is not optional. Your retainer is your key to a lifelong, straight smile. If you still have questions about how long you wear a retainer after braces, schedule a free consultation with Legacy Orthodontics, Leesburg VA’s premier Invisalign provider. We’ll answer all your questions, show you what your smile can look like, and help you decide between Invisalign vs braces to determine the best way to straighten your smile as an adult.